Application Guidelines
Application Guidelines
We regret that we are unable to respond to the volume of unsolicited applications and receive proposals by invitation only.
However If, after thoroughly reading our program guidelines, reviewing the list of grants made over the past four years, and confirming that your organization is a US Government recognized 501(c)(3) organization and that your program work is in the developing world, you are invited to send a brief description of your organization, the program that you feel best fits our guidelines and a link to your website (max 1 page). If there is a close fit between our program and yours, we will respond with a note asking for additional information.
The Ross Foundation provides financial assistance to organizations that are tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.
We do not fund:
Grants to non-US organizations or any organization that does not have proof of current IRS tax-exempt status.
Grants, scholarships or loans to individuals.
Grants to private foundations.
Grants that are inconsistent with an organization’s charitable purposes.
Grants that seek to support political activities or attempt to influence specific legislation through direct lobbying.
Grants for doctoral study or research.
Grants for sponsorship of, or travel to, conferences or events.
Grants for films, videos or publications.
Donations to annual campaigns or fundraising events.

Human Rights Watch, Protecting Children from Hazardous Labor In Philippine Gold Mines (2016)
Types of Grants
We primarily make Program Grants to support those programs and projects of organizations that benefit a large number of children in our target populations.
We fund both organizations with a sole focus of working with children and also broader organizations that have substantial programs benefiting children.
Multi-year funding is occasionally made, but is structured on the completion of set milestones and measured outcomes.
Beginning in 2015, the Foundation shifted from funding small capital projects and equipment purchases to providing program funding, as described above. Grant range is typically between $25,000 to $50,000, but the Foundation does occasionally make larger and smaller grants.
We usually do not fund General Operating Support, Capital Grants, and Capacity Building grants.
These types of grants are made only after considerable discussion with organizations that are well known to the Ross Foundation, and usually follow an earlier program grant.
In addition, we are not able to fund schools or institutions that only benefit the children that attend them.
Only on rare occasions – and after much discussion - do we fund such institutions when they are developing a program model intended to be replicated at other institutions and that have benefit to children beyond their specific institution.

Who We Typically Fund
Funded organizations have a proven and sustainable operating track record or, if they are new, are led by individuals with meaningful experience; many are poised to leverage existing conditions to grow. We look to fund organizations that:
Funded organizations typically work at the grassroots level providing direct services to children.
We fund effective programs that, at a minimum:
organizations that have developed multiple funding sources, including program revenues when possible.
successful programs, with a sustainable funding model and infrastructure in place, that have a clear plan to increase the breadth of their services.
experienced and successful organization with conviction that adding an additional program will deepen their success serving children.
proven, cost-effective programs that are adaptable to the local conditions of different locations or settings.
program outcomes need to be clearly identified, measured and reported.
have sustainable impact: programs funded produce lasting change in the lives of a large number of children.
recognizing that cost-effectiveness varies between program types, we expect applicants to operate efficiently and demonstrate cost-effectiveness.
programs must recognize and leverage local traditions and partner with other local organizations and community groups and leaders.
The Foundation’s grantmaking is limited in relation to the tremendous needs in the field.
They do not fall within the Foundation’s funding priorities;
They do not follow our general grantmaking guidelines;
They do not meet our eligibility guidelines;
They are more appropriately funded by another organization, either public or private;
They are not sustainable without reliance on Ross Foundation funding;
They are not likely to generate significant long-term impact;
They are for individual orphanages or schools;
They are for medical missions that do not have a significant component of local training and local capacity building;
Concerns about organizational stability and funding;
Concerns about cost-effectiveness;
Concerns about sustainability or feasibility of projected growth;
They are similar to projects we are already funding